Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Attic Window Staff Party

Group shot during dinner at Inna's cuisine, Wenatchee.  We had a great meal and enjoyed the top floor to ourselves as the wine poured and we got a little louder.  Happy Holidays!

left to right, top-Jenny, Barbara, Wilma, Martha, Carol, Richard, Kathryn, Jan, Sally
bottom-Marilyn, Diane

Now try this...Can you match the husband with the correct wife above???
Send us a note back if you can and let's see how many you get right.

Hint:  Jenny and Marilyn are not included in the game.


  1. No way, No how, could I match the husbands, except for Diane and Richard!!!

  2. guess. My hubby is the baby of the group just like I am the youngest at the store. Sally calls her hubby Tex. Barb's is athletic looking like she is. Wilma's is quiet. Kathryn's smiles. Carol has a wicked sense of humor which her hubby appreciates. Martha's hubby suites her, seems quiet but really isn't.

    Are you totally confused now?
